HOFA surrendered USDA/NOP accreditation as an organic certifier in August 2011.
a) Organic Crop Certification covers the production of agricultural and horticultural crops.
b) Organic Livestock Certification covers the production of animal products such as meat, eggs, and milk.
c) Organic Handling / Processing Certification covers the production of processed organic foods and businesses participating in the distribution chain.
d) Organic Wild-Crop Certification covers the harvesting of crops that are not actively cultivated.
e) Apiary Certification covers the production, packing, and processing of bee products.
At this time, there are no official federal standards established for Organic Apiary Production. Until federal standards for honey production are final, commercial apiaries seeking organic certification must comply with requirements and policies based upon the National Organic Standards Board’s 2010 final recommendation for Rulemaking Action.
Producers, processors and handlers seeking certification must comply with all requirements and policies relating to the category and type of activity.